Technical Committees - 2021

See the year 2022 slots
See the year 2020 slots

Technical Committees and Clusters of the IES

In an industrial scenario, different technologies concur to the functioning of complex systems and, now more than in the past, such technologies must be tightly integrated and coordinated, in order to achieve the best results, in terms of performance, reliability, efficiency etc.
Developing science and technologies in many different directions and working toward their integration has been the leading concept of the founders of the IES and the Society is still nowadays promoting the development of science and technology in many different areas of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
In this effort, all the current 24 Technical Committees (TCs) of the IES play a crucial role. A Technical Committee is a group of at least 15 experts in a specific field, coming either from academia or industry, and its role is to promote activities in its field of interest and, at the same time, to contribute to the development of the IES by supporting conferences, journals, events and even contributing to the definition of new standards. When someone joins a Technical Committee, she/he enters a community of people, led by a member-elected Chair and sharing common interests, with the possibility to meet potential partners for research projects, as well as recognized experts in specific areas, who can help in developing new ideas or concepts. Joining a Technical Committee means also becoming an active member of the IES, with and involvement in conference organization, paper review, editorial activities, and the IES business at large.


Compared to other societies, we have many more TCs and this is a sign of our vitality. On the other hand, having so many groups require some coordination, so in 2011 we introduced the TC Clusters, each of them composed of TCs that are active in one of the following four broad categories: Energy, Sensors & Control, Information and Communication Technologies, Cross-disciplinary. Clusters are intended to promote collaborative projects between TCs, as well as the mutual knowledge of the activities running in the various TCs, so a better synergy can be achieved.

Please browse the list of TCs reported below and, after visiting their websites, select one that fits your interests, contact its Chair and start your journey with us. Be part of the IES Technical Activities!



TC Cluster Delegates
- CD1. Energy:
Giampaolo Buticchi* (2021-2022)
Thomas Strasser* (2020-2021) 
- CD2. Sensors & Control:
Gabor Sziebig* (2021-2022)
Sehoon Oh* (2020-2021)
- CD3. Information and Communication Tech:
Jan Haase* (2021-2022)
Valeriy Vyatkin* (2020-2021)
- CD4. Cross-disciplinary:
Hipolito Guzman-Miranda* (2021-2022)
Jinhua She* (2020-2021)



1. Building Automation, Control, and Management
Jan Haase - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
2. Cloud and Wireless Systems for Industrial Applications 
Lei Shu - Chair (2021-2022)
Web page:
3. Control, Robotics, and Mechatronics
Gabor Sziebig - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
4. Data-Driven Control and Monitoring
Hao Luo - Chair (2021-2022)
Web page:
5. Education in Engineering and Industrial Technologies
Larisa Dunai - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
6. Electrical Machines
Thomas M. Wolbank - Chair (2021-2022)
Web page:
7. Electronic Systems on Chip
Hipolito Guzman - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
8. Energy Storage
Alfonso Damiano - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
9. Factory Automation
Marina Indri - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
10. Human Factors
Jinhua She - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
11. Industrial Agents
Paulo Leitao - Chair (2020-2021) 
Web page:
12. Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems 
Yang Shi - Chair (2021-2022)
Web page:
13. Industrial Informatics
Wenbin Dai - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
14. MEMS and Nanotechnologies
Yunjia Li - Chair (2021-2022)
Web page:
15. Motion Control
Michael Ruderman - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
16. Network-based Control Systems and Applications
Dong Yue - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
17. Power Electronics
Sertac Bayhan - Chair (2021-2022)
Web page:
18. Renewable Energy Systems
Giampaolo Buticchi - Chair (2021-2022)
Web page:
19. Resilience and Security for Industrial Applications
Federico Baronti – Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
20. Sensors and Actuators
Yutaka Uchimura- Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
21. Smart Grids
Andrea Benigni – Chair (2021-2022)
Web page:
22. Standards 
Allen Chen - Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
23. Transportation Electrification
Ritesh Kumar Keshiri – Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:
24. Technology Ethics and Society
Stamatis Karnouskos – Chair (2020-2021)
Web page:

Technical Activities Committee

The Industrial Electronics Society Technical Activities Committee is chaired by the VP for Technical Activities and consists of Cluster Delegates, chairs of the technical committees listed above, and eight additional members.

"*" - with AdCom voting rights

Technical Committee Chairs have no voting rights unless earned in a different capacity.
