Support to Student Branch Chapters Local Activities


The purpose of the IES-SBCLA program is to support technical activities of an IEEE IES Student Branch Chapter with a grant up to USD 1,000 (depending on the activity size).

Student Branch Chapters interested in applying must submit the form below. Note that support will be given only for events that have one or more of the following objectives:


  • Member retention and satisfaction

  • Providing technical and professional services to local members interested in the fields of interest of the Society

  • Contributing to position IES as the professional home of those working in any of the technologies covered by the Society

  • Bringing IES closer to students and Young Professionals

  • Increasing diversity and inclusion in all activities

  • Community service or training


It is required that the event includes increasing SBC membership by recruiting new student members. Cooperation with other IES groups (WIE, Chapters, Technical Committees, Publications, etc.) is greatly encouraged.

Other requirements:

  1. SBCLA maximum grant maximum is USD 1000 per SBC, always subject to actual expenses and to the total budget limit.

  2. Each SBC can only apply once per year.


At the end of the event (for student branch chapter received the SBCLA support), a full report (breakdown of how the money has been spent, IES participants and other participants, number of new IES members and student members, photos of the event’s highlight) must be submitted through the post-event report form.Some information of this report may be published in IE Magazine and IETN website.


IES grant funds must be deposited or transferred to a Chapter via the bank account of the IEEE Section that the Student Branch Chapter belongs to. Funds cannot be transferred to other personal, business, or professional accounts.



For questions contact the VP Membership or the Student Coordinator.