IEEE IES Standing Multimedia Committee


This committee provides recorded online educational resources for IEEE IES members by using but not limited to:  IES Resource Center,, and ITeN.

Committee tasks

The objectives of the IEEE IES Multimedia Committee are:

  1. to provide means for recording webinars
  2. assist with recording based on the guidelines for IEEE Media, and
  3. making the recordings available for online access
  4. identifying opportunities and providing recommendations to the IES President, IES President-Elect, and the AdCom members on matters related to Multimedia resources.

The solicitation and collection of materials shall be led by the Technical Committee Cluster Delegates (TCCDs) and ratified by the Multimedia Committee. The collection will be available via the IES Online Resource Center for members.

The recorded educational resources of IES cover the following areas:

  1. Distinguished and Frontiers Lecturer Presentations (DL & FL) - These will be collected by the host or organizing chapters with some (limited) support from the Multimedia Committee.
  2. Tutorials and Keynotes at Conferences (where possible) - They will be collected by the organizers of conferences, with some help/guidelines from the Multimedia Committee.
  3. Online Courses from TCs - All contributions in this category will be prepared by a TC or a group of TCs within a cluster. Each contribution won’t be longer than 1 hour, in the form of a presentation with embedded audio comments. Longer events (e.g. a 4-hour tutorial) may be split into 1 hour-long segments. The solicitation and collection of material should be led by the cluster delegates and the Multimedia Committee.
  4. Webinars from TCs - Please see below the detailed guidelines for the IES webinar proposal and information
  5. Spontaneous Contributions by IES members.

IES Webinar proposal guideline and information

IES Multimedia Committee set a schedule, day, and time for recording based on topics and great interests of IES members. Here are more details regarding Webinars: 

  • Duration: It is 45 min presentation +15 min Q&A in each session. If the content should last for more than one hour, it could be presented in two or more sessions.
  • Date: It could be any date based on presenter availability. Currently, IES is running 2 webinars every 2 months.
  • GoToWebinar: This tool has been used to run IES webinars. About one week prior to the scheduled webinar, it will be a test session for presenters, to test the PC settings, to explain the interface, and to answer all questions.
  • IES Online Resource Center: The recorded content will be posted on IES Online Resource Center in 3-4 weeks afterward.

To propose a webinar through one of the IES TCs, the potential presenter should provide the following materials in the proposal:

  1. Title: the title of the presentation that reflects the subject of the webinar
  2. Abstract: Send an updated abstract (100 to 200 words) to the Committee if there is any updated
  3. Presenter's photo and biography: Send a short bio with a photo for presenters for webinar advertising

All materials should be sent to one of the TC chairs that the presenter feels to be most appropriate regarding the subject of the presentation.

Multimedia content will be posted in three venues:

1- IES Channel in
2- IES Resource Center:
3- IES ITeN eNews website: